10 Pro Tips For Cheap Teeth Whitening - Getting Informative Ideas

Thursday 18 October 2018

10 Pro Tips For Cheap Teeth Whitening

Yellow teeth are an issue of concern and embarrassment. Your teeth reflect your personality when you interact with someone professionally or with your friend you need to give your first impression and if your teeth are not white then you will not be able to leave a good impression. Besides, knowing the right way to whiten one’s teeth is challenging. Many products claim to bring about the whitening of teeth but hardly very few are devoid of harmful chemicals that further deteriorate the enamel of the teeth and may often lead to the worse conditions of teeth sensitivity. Also, the price is a factor that stops individuals mostly. This article, hence, focuses on the effective hacks that promise to provide cheap, ready and quick solutions to this common problem. Here are ten tips for cheap teeth whitening:

Cheap Teeth Whitening
Cheap Teeth Whitening
  • Clean Your Tongue: The intake of food and careless cleaning of mouth after every meal throughout the day leads to the breeding of bacteria on the tongue. Hence, it is essential to clean the tongue by brushing it with a soft toothbrush, starting from the back of the tongue and washing the bristles after stroke.
  • Baking Soda: Brushing the teeth with baking soda is an important whitening formula as baking soda is a natural whitening product that causes the teeth to retain its natural whiteness, without damaging the enamel, chemically.
  • Coconut Oil: Applying coconut all over the mouth is the primitive Indian practice of oil pulling that is the most natural and healthy way of getting whiter and healthier teeth. Coconut oil, because of its rich content of laurel acid, kills the bacteria that lead to the formation of plaque responsible for yellowing of teeth. You will require coconut oil to clear the yellow teeth and leave it for 20 minutes and you are good to go.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar:  As the application of apple cider vinegar lies in its exponential quality of being a disinfectant, its anti-bacterial formula leads to the immediate killing of germs and bacteria inside the mouth, owing to its powerful quality of a whitening solution. However, daily use of apple cider vinegar may corrode the teeth, so one must limit the use to once or twice a week.
  • Fruits like Strawberries and Pineapples: Fruits like strawberries and pineapple act as natural whiteners of teeth as they rub off the plaque from the teeth when one chews hard on them. So one should often consume these fruits as ready snacks or refreshing fruit salads.
  • Choice of the right Chewing Gum: A chewing gum lover should know which gum doesn’t affect the teeth. A sugar-free gum is hence a must and one should check if it has Xylitol, which is a natural sweetener prevents the formation of plaque.
  • Sipping Through Straws: Having appetizers like coffee, tea, soda and such should be consumed through straws as it prevents direct staining of the teeth by the liquid.
  • Avoid Cigarettes and Caffeine: High intake of cigarettes lead to the yellowing of teeth due to the presence of nicotine and liquor like tea and coffee have caffeine that also contributes to it.
  • Use Dental Whitening Strips: Doctors often recommend using whitening strips for teeth, after six hours of brushing and one must dry the teeth with a tissue before the application of strips. This method proposes to have whitened by two to three shades.
  • Ensuring Calcium Intake: Food items like milk, and other dairy products and green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are rich in calcium that prevents the decay of the enamel. The decay of the enamel leads to the exposure of the dentin which is of yellow color.
Cheap Teeth Whitening
Cheap Teeth Whitening
A healthy lifestyle, perked by the given tips, and a firm resolution to cleanliness, can hence ward off the problem of yellow teeth and reward a bright, sparkling smile.

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